Shahab Rezaian
UniversityTechnology Malaysia, Malaysia
Title: Factors affecting the successful implementation of hospital information system: A preliminary pilot study of Iranian nurses
Biography: Shahab Rezaian
The present study was designed to provide an insight into nurses’ experiences and views, using a computerized hospital information system in clinical practice in a tertiary teaching hospital in southern Iran. The main aim of this pilot study was to determine the reliability and validity of those factors which can affect the successful implementation of Hospital Information System (HIS) for nursing staff and be used for another larger study including over 1000 full-time practicing nurses. One hundred sixty nurses participated in this study and voluntarily filled up a questionnaire containing 61 items related to demographic, work, work place and to various constructs of DeLone and McLean’s implementation success model as well as three additional constructs namely culture, trust and user quality. In our study the questionnaire items were based on literature reviews and experts’ opinions to ensure its content and construct validity. The reliability of all constructs’ measures were checked by Cronbach alpha coefficient which all but one were above the accepted level of 0.70 indicating that the measurement errors were small and the measurement instrument could be able to yield consistent results each time it is applied. Confirmatory factor analysis and factor loading were done for all items to confirm the dimensionality of the derived instrument. Forty-eight (94%) of dimension items except 3 had high values above 0.4, and over 39 (76%) of items had factor loadings above 0.7 which indicates an acceptably very high value of factor loading for the research instrument items. The 3 items with factor loading values less than 0.4, however turned to be candidates for omission from the future study.